To know how to effectively use media in today's society, we must first observe statistics that will help us gain a greater appreciation for the technology we have today. Take a look at these statistics provided to us by Emily.
Positive Stats:
- 96% of students with internet access report using social networking technologies
- 59% use these tools to talk about educational topics online
- Social media has revolutionized the classroom
- 59% of schools say their students use social networking for educational purposes
- Studies show engagement in class discussions more than doubled when students were asked to participate using Twitter.
- Communication between teachers and parents is increased through the use of social media
- Social Media Pilot Program - Portland Oregon showed:
- 50% increase in grades
- 1/3 reduction in chronic absenteeism. The school met it's adequate yearly progress goal for the first time in history
- 20% of students were completing extra assignments for no credit
General Stats:
- 35 global heads of state, every US Cabinet agency, 84% of US state governors, every major candidate for US President, and more than 40% of top global religious leaders are on Twitter.
- In July 2012 Americans spent 74.0 billion minutes on social media via a home computer, 40.8 billion minutes via apps, and 5.7 billion minutes via mobile web browsers, a total of 121.1 billion minutes on social networking sites
- Social networking sites are a top news source for 27.8% of Americans, ranking below newspapers (28.8%) and above radio (18.8%) and print publications (6%).
- The average age when a child begins regularly consuming online media is 8
- There are about 5 million Facebook users under the age of 10
- 25% of teens log into to social media 10+ times per day
- Only 50% of parents have installed parental controls for their children online interactions
- 72% worry that their children will reveal inappropriate information online
- Of the active adult users of Facebook, 66% reported they did not know privacy controls existed on Facebook and/or they did not know how to use the privacy controls. (Consumer Reports, June 2011)
- Here's an interesting group of stats:
Teens often include the following information on their social networking profiles:
o Real age (50%)
o Photos of themselves (62%)
o City they live in (41%)
o School name/location (45%)
o Videos of friends (16%)
o Videos of themselves (14%)
o Their cell phone number (14%)
o Places where they typically go (9%)
- 72% of teens have a social networking profile and nearly half (47%) have a public profile viewable by anyone.
Negative Stats
- 51% of children say they’ve been bullied online, and 49% say they have been the online bully
- Students who used social networking sites while studying scored 20% lower on tests and students who used social media had an average GPA of 3.06 versus non-users who had an average GPA of 3.82.
- 29% of Internet sex crime relationships were initiated on a social networking site. (Journal of Adolescent Health 27, 2010)
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